
Setting of Access Points

MMSP ( for mmsp1.03 )
Connection name : MMSP
Data bearer : Packet data
Access point name : mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp
User name : vodafonelive
Prompt password : No
Password : **** ( Please search by yourself )
Authentication : Normal
Homepage : http://mms/
> options > Advanced settings
Network type : IPv4
Phone IP address : Automatic
DNS address : Automatic
Proxy serv. address : vfkkmmsproxy.vodafone.ne.jp
Proxy port number : 8080

VFJP MMS ( for mailer )
Connection name : VFJP MMS
Data bearer : Packet data
Access point name : mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp
User name : vodafonelive
Prompt password : No
Password : **** ( Please search by yourself )
Authentication : Normal
Homepage : http://mms/
> options > Advanced settings
Network type : IPv4
Phone IP address : Automatic
DNS address : Automatic
Proxy serv. address :
Proxy port number : 5000

MMS AP will be changed by yourself.
( Messaging > Options > Settings > Multimedia message > Access point in use > VFJP MMS )


Connection name : VFJP Web
Data bearer : Packet data
Access point name : mailwebservice.vodafone.ne.jp
User name : vodafonelive
Prompt password : No
Password : **** ( Please search by yourself )
Authentication : Normal
Homepage : http://ptl/menu/
> options > Advanced settings
Network type : IPv4
Phone IP address : Automatic
DNS address : Automatic
Proxy serv. address : vfkkwapproxy.vodafone.ne.jp
Proxy port number : 8080


MIDProxy & Hiisi Proxy ( for access to "http://ptl/menu/" )
Connection name : Hiisi_MIDProxy
Data bearer : Packet data
Access point name : vodafone
User name : ai@vodafone
Prompt password : No
Password : **** ( Please search by yourself )
Authentication : Normal
Homepage : none
> options > Advanced settings
Network type : IPv4
Phone IP address : Automatic
DNS address : Automatic
Proxy serv. address : localhost
Proxy port number : 1234


** As you know, It's your own risks when you will carry out.

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